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Lymphoma case studies

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The Perseus Foundation​ is delighted and excited to be able to share Dr. Kevin Steele's "Adoptive T-Cell Therapy for Lymphoma: The Clinician's Guide."

A reference guide for treating Lymphoma in vivo immunization.

To view this guide please 


To view an overview of T Cell adoptive immunotherapy click here
























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t cell adoptive immunotherapy

We are committed to continuing to develop T cell therapies and explore their broad potential. 

our collaboration with aurelius biotherapeutics started five years ago. the study we support began  with a collaboration with the MD Anderson Cancer Center and a clinical study in dogs with naturally occurring B cell lymphoma.   Aurelius Biotherapeutics to continue the original work. Together with our team of scientists, we have developed a potentially transformative treatment using living and individualized immunotherapies to treat this form of canine cancer.

For many years, cancer has been treated with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.  But lately immunotherapy-treatment that uses the patient's own immune system - has grown in importance.

read all about two of our hero dogs who underwent t cell therapy.

Cancer-free canines meet for playdate to celebrate two years since diagnosis

Earlier detection can save lives

It can also improve the quality of life of the dog and its owner.

Yet, as of today, there are few single assay cancer blood tests on the veterinary market. Currently, dogs suspected of having cancer are required to undergo a variety of diagnostic tests that may be expensive, time consuming and/or painful for the animal.


The Nu.Q® Vet Cancer Screening Test is a simple, low-cost, easy to use ELISA based screening blood test which will help streamline the diagnostic process for “older or at risk” dogs.


The benefit for the Veterinarian, the owner and the dog is a streamlined diagnostic process: simpler, quicker and less painful diagnosis. We hope to aid earlier detection of cancer and the saving of lives.


Veterinarians can order from the GI Lab at Texas A& M University or call 979-709-2348 with any questions.


According to the National Cancer Institute, approximately 6 million new cancer diagnoses are made in dogs each year. Like humans, dogs have a 1 in 3 lifetime risk of getting cancer, Older dogs, and certain predisposed breeds, are at higher risk of developing cancer. Cancer is typically diagnosed in dogs at an advanced stage, when treatment options are limited, and chances of a cure are low. Each year, cancer cuts short the lives of many dogs who might have enjoyed many healthy years with their families had the disease been detected earlier.


With these statistics in mind, PetDx has introduced OncoK9. this  is a multi-cancer early detection (MCED) test for the detection and characterization of cancer-associated genomic alterations in DNA isolated from canine whole blood samples, using next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology. OncoK9 is intended for use in dogs who are at higher risk of cancer. It is recommended as an annual screening test for all dogs starting at 8 years of age and potentially at younger ages for dogs belonging to breeds that are highly predisposed to cancer. It is also recommended as an aid-in-diagnosis for dogs in which cancer is suspected based on clinical signs or other clinical findings. As with any laboratory test, OncoK9 results should be interpreted by a veterinarian in the context of each patient’s medical history and clinical presentation. The test is available by prescription only. Please consult with your veterinarian as he/she has to order for your precious pup.


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"waves" composed and performed by marija temo

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